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Cookieless attribution

Cookieless attribution

With new privacy rules, traditional attribution models fall short. Discover the cookieless alternative to multi-touch, last-click and other common attribution solutions.
Cookieless attribution

What’s wrong with traditional attribution, why do we need cookieless?

Multi-touch and other basic attribution methods work the same way: once a conversion happens, it tracks back to see all steps that led to it and gives them a value, according to heuristic logic - here’s where we can start to see the difference between last-touch, first-touch, time-decay, or inverse J-curve.

Let’s see why they all are bound to fail in a cookieless world:

  1. it’s really hard to track one person across all touch-points; due to cross-device or privacy regulations like GDPR, ITP, and iOS 17 in Safari.
  2. If there’s no conversion, there’s no value given. This undervalues crucial early touch-points.
  3. For products with longer decision cycles, piecing together the entire conversion path becomes tricky because of limited attribution windows.

That’s why in 2023 you can find plenty of solutions like Media Mix Modelling and Incrementality testing, or explore the concept of attribution modelling from a different side. So what are the alternative solutions?

Cookieless attribution solutions

One of these alternatives is SegmentStream. It relies on machine learning and first-party data to give a correct view of marketing performance.

Unlike multi-touch attribution, which struggles with challenges like GDPR, iOS17, ITP, and Safari.

Furthermore, SegmentStream can solve top-of-funnel measurement with its view-through attribution model that accurately measures top-of-funnel revenue contribution without direct clicks to your website.

Book a demo to learn how this beyond-cookie attribution works.

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