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Product updates for January'23

Product updates for January'23

See what we've been working on this January. During the past month, we introduced incremental conversions and a new way to calculate conversion value, added new dimensions to reports, and made UI improvements. Read on!
Product updates for January'23 Olga Garina
Product Updates
Product updates for January'23
2 min read

 1. Incremental conversions

We have transitioned to using incremental conversions.

How did it work before?

Previously, it was necessary to create multiple modelled conversions with different probability thresholds for upper-funnel, mid-funnel, and lower-funnel campaigns.

How does it work now?

Newly created conversions are now incremental, meaning that they can be triggered multiple times if the probability of conversion increases from session to session. This eliminates the need to create conversions for each step of the funnel as it was done before. Conversions created before this feature was released will continue to work and are marked as “Legacy”.

SegmentStream Product updates January 2023 - Incremental conversions feature

2. Conversion value prediction

With this new capability, the SegmentStream platform can predict not only the probability of future conversions but also its value.

How did it work before?

Previously, we used an algorithmic approach based on the Average Order Value (AOV) to calculate the modelled conversion value.

How does it work now?

Now, we utilize a Machine Learning algorithm that predicts not only the probability of conversion but also the value of future purchases. This feature will be particularly valuable for advertisers with a wide distribution of order values.

SegmentStream Product updates January 2023 - Conversion value prediction feature

3. New dimensions for reports

Previously it was possible to group reports based on UTM parameters, similar to Google Analytics.

Now, users can use additional dimensions pulled directly from advertising platforms to organise and analyse their data in the reports.

The newly available dimensions are: “Campaign Type”, “Ad Group”, and “Keyword”.

SegmentStream Product updates January 2023 - New dimensions for reports feature

4. Simplified UI for creating conversions

We have redesigned the UI for creating conversions to make it more user-friendly and convenient.

Creating a new conversion now takes less time and is as easy as it looks:

SegmentStream Product updates January 2023 - Simplified conversion creation feature

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