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SegmentStream is officially a Meta Business Partner!

SegmentStream is officially a Meta Business Partner!

Company News
SegmentStream is officially a Meta Business Partner!

We are happy to announce that SegmentStream became an official Meta Business Partner this month.

These Partners are companies Meta has vetted in great detail, and we’re honoured to announce that SegmentStream was also recognized.

How Meta advertisers benefit from SegmentStream Conversion Modelling Platform?

Facebook Ads uses conversions as a feedback mechanism to evaluate the success of the campaigns. To maximise a campaign’s performance Facebook needs to know the value of each click as soon as possible. 

Unfortunately, the majority of paid clicks don’t get any value because users rarely convert within a single visit — today’s users’ journeys are complex and often involve multiple browsers and devices. In addition to this, modern-day cookie restrictions and privacy regulations make conversion tracking and proper attribution even harder. For example, if the Facebook ad click didn’t result in a conversion during the 7-day window it will not get any value even if the actual conversion happened on the 8th day.    

As a result, Facebook Ads doesn’t receive enough signals for precise optimisation as a result of a lack of feedback about the value of each click.

SegmentStream’s Conversion Modelling Platform saves businesses from a massive loss of potential revenue. It assesses the impact of every visit and sends valuable signals to Facebook Ads immediately after each session to give the platform as much conversion data as possible. 

This way, Meta advertisers can use SegmentStream Conversion Modelling Platform as an amplification tool to maximise their Return on Ad Spend Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads campaigns. 

SegmentStream recieves Meta Business Partner badge

The “Badged” partnership status ensures SegmentStream meets Meta’s high standards and is an acknowledgement of the excellent product innovation and service levels SegmentStream strives to deliver. Our customers can be sure that SegmentStream will help them measure the success of their campaigns and take digital marketing activities to a new level — now, Meta-approved.

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