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SegmentStream at Marketing Technology Expo 2022

SegmentStream at Marketing Technology Expo 2022

Meet the SegmentStream team here on November 22-23rd!
Company News
SegmentStream at Marketing Technology Expo 2022

We’re excited to announce that SegmentStream will participate in Marketing Technology Expo 2022 at ExCeL London.

Here, Oliver Leigh, our talented Product Specialist (Enterprise), will speak about marketing analytics in a cookieless world. Oliver will share priceless industry insights and discuss the challenges marketers face trying to measure and optimise digital marketing performance.

Feel free to book a meeting with Oliver to learn more about digital marketing and meet in person.

Topic: Marketing Analytics in a Cookieless World

Date: 23.11.2022, 14:00–14:30

Place: ExCeL London, stage Data, AI, and analytics

About Marketing Technology Expo

Since 2016, Marketing Technology Expo has been an annual event where marketing professionals can share their knowledge and learn from talented colleagues. In 2022, the expo will unite more than 150 experts under one roof speaking about digital marketing, marketing technology, social media, data and analytics, content creation, SEO, and other topics.

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