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Future of marketing attribution — listen to the podcast with SegmentStream’s Head of Customer Success

Future of marketing attribution — listen to the podcast with SegmentStream’s Head of Customer Success

On the recent podcast recorded for Pathmonk, Lukas Haensch and SegmentStream’s Head of Customer Success Ben Ó Mathúin discuss the cookieless future and why traditional attribution tools are no longer the solutions marketers need.
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Future of marketing attribution — listen to the podcast with SegmentStream’s Head of Customer Success

On the podcast, Ben talks about what role SegmentStream plays in the future of marketing attribution, and what power Conversion Modelling holds.

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Cross-device and cross-browser customer journeys make proper conversion attribution a nightmare. The usual attribution tools and approaches can no longer handle complex customer journeys. As a result, the initial touchpoints often get no credit despite being the most valuable source that actually led to the conversion. SegmentStream solves the exact issue — the Conversion Modelling Platform helps businesses analyse and optimise the performance of their marketing campaigns in a world where you can’t stitch the entire customer journey.

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Pathmonk Podcast delivers the latest growth marketing insights in a format of short 20-minute podcasts sharing data-backed success and failure stories. It’s a fast and effective show brought to marketers by marketers.

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